It Takes a Village
Yup... It takes a village sometimes.
This video looks back on location + studio shoots from 2015 to present and serves to remind me that the work I do isn’t possible without the people I collaborate with.
This week as my home studio is inching ever closer to being finished and reopened after our flood restoration and the COVID pandemic, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge and thank my many partners in crime, you know who you are ;)
Special “shout outs” go to Sarah D'Arcey Fashion Stylist, Jen Mathison, Karie Holst, Heidi Cheung and Michael Fels for being my most “leaned on” artists in my photography journey over the last few years. I've missed working with you during the pandemic and I'm grateful that we are creeping ever closer to more "normal" life. I look forward to working with and seeing you all again SOON!